Hello everybody! Thank you for coming to Tank Studios Blog. My name is Ryan Tankersley and I'll be the author of these posts. Feel free to check out the About Page to see what I'm all about.
Wait, Haven't You Done This Before?
...Yeah. The first one, Tank Studios Tech Talk, was a primer to see if I enjoyed blogging. I did, but I felt limited. First, the blog never felt like mine. I'm a software developer. I wanted the site to be mine in the sense that I knew the code. Blogger gave me a nice, pre-packaged template that I liked, but again, it never felt like mine. I made this website using DocPad. DocPad makes creating websites with Html, JavaScript, and CSS much easier than simply starting from scratch, and I can change anything on this site that I want to.
Secondly, I desired a broader scope than just Tech Talk. Here I will be discussing three core subjects: Life, Tech, and Dev. Each subject will be tagged appropriately, so if a person only care about Life posts, that person can check the "Life" tag for all relevant posts.
Please allow me to explain each tag.
The Life tag will be stories from my life. I follow Jesus as Lord, and I love discussing what that looks like. Many Life posts will be theological. I also enjoy funny stories and would like to share entertaining experiences as they come. I hope to allow people to walk through my life and give glory to God through my thoughts, encouragements, and stories.
If you read much of Tank Studios Tech Talk, you will know what this involves. In Tech, I will primarily be discussing interesting technology as I find it. If a technology is useful in my life, I am sure it will be useful in somebody else's life. I want to share that information in order to benefit you.
I expect this one to really only benefit software developers who stumble upon my site via Google. In these I will be speaking of software development. I may post about a problem I have solved or about a personal project I am working on. Occasionally I have solved problems and thought, "I could write a blog post about that." If I have that thought, now I can!
There's the explanation for the new blog and the new site! Please leave any feedback in a comment below! Are there any topics you would like me to cover in the future?