

This is the blog for Tank Studios! Thank you for coming!

Who I Am

My name is Ryan Tankersley. I'm the guy in the picture on the home page. The beautiful woman next to me is my wife, Michelle. Yes, I am that lucky; I promise I didn't just photoshop myself into a picture with a supermodel. We live in Tulsa, Oklahoma with our cat Tessie.

The most important part of my life is my walk with Jesus Christ. Since committing my life to Him in 2009, He has become the reason for all that I do...well, most of what I do. I mess up often. But His grace is sufficient for me. That grace has brought me life, and life in abundance.

What I Do

Most of my day is spent developing software at a company called InterWorks. I develop desktop applications in C#. Ever since my first "Hello, World!" Java app I have been hooked on programming. Programming opens up a whole new world of creativity. I enjoy the creativity that developing spawns in me and the problems I get to solve during the process.

When I am not programming at work, I will be enjoying any number of activities. I enjoy reading (mostly fantasy fiction), playing video games (mostly RPGs), playing instruments (mostly guitar...okay only guitar, I wanted to keep up the parallelism), and spending time with my friends and family.

What is Tank Studios

Tank Studios is the company I haven't created yet. I may never create it. However, I often develop software, so for now this is a hub for any projects I actually finish. Also, I enjoy writing, so I decided to use the name for my blog as well.

Thank You

Thank you again for visiting my blog! I hope you enjoy your time here. Feel free to contact me at ry.tankersley@gmail.com with any questions or suggestions.